See Who’s Online
The Peers page displays all the peers who are clocked in at a given time. When you have team members from across the world, you can view team members who are active at a given point in time, the duration of their current session and region-wise distribution of peers.
#Tip: Connect YoCoBoard to a large external display and view who’s clocked in even before stepping in!
1.1 How to view your peers
- On the YoCoBoard sidebar, click Peers to see who’s online. By default, you can see the profile image of the peers who are clocked in (Grid view).
- Click on the icon right below the time zone to switch between the different views available for the Peers tab.
- The Grid view displays the thumbnails of active staff in chronological order.
- The List view is more detailed with information like the staff’s email address, time entry and total hours worked.
- The Map view pins the locations of staff on a map helping distributed teams know their location.
My team uses Slack and YoCo Board. For the most part, everyone did the integration with Slack. However, I get the notifications on Slack that someone has clocked-in/out on YoCo Board (most likely through iPhone app), but I cannot see them on the YoCo Board website or app in the Peers tab when they are clocked-in. Did I miss a step or something?
Hello Morgan,
The account that you were in, is not the same as that of what they’ve been using.